Config Files

CS MYamanaka

Files that are condusive to a comfy setup

XMonad Config

XMonad is probably my favourite window managers. It's also really nice because it gives me an excuse to use Haskell which is something I definitely don't use regularly. Regarding my config, I find most of the default settings acceptable so I don't tamper with it much. I really like the aesthetics of i3-gaps so I try to recreate its appearance as much as possible. I still have all of the default key bindings active but I added some extra ones as well.

Qutebrowser Config

I'm pretty new to Qutebrowser but so far I've been having a pretty good browsing experience with it. I haven't added much to the configuration file as of now but I'm mostly satisfied with the default settings.


I tend to not use any fancy plugins. I just make simple adjustments and maybe add some useful keybindings.